No matter your previous experiences, current circumstances or level of know-how, grappled can benefit you, and provide you with more of what you long for; TO PERFORM and LIVE WELL.

What is Grappled?

Grappled is an evidence - based service that enhances lifelong functioning by building essential skills, beginning with nutrition.

We take an integrated approach, addressing all aspects of health and performance.

From theory to practice, Grappled provides solutions for people looking to make their best, even better. 





The prime objective is to boost performance by meticulously employing evidence-backed practices, and strive to guide decisions that foster improved health and profound personal transformation. It is recognised that transformation does not come from a single training session or supplement, but rather an integrated approach.

In an era teeming with information, merely having access to a wealth of knowledge is insufficient. All the information in the world won’t solve your problems. The true challenge is in the adept application of this information, particularly in a manner that's customised to each individual's unique circumstances.

My responsibility lies in absorbing and processing pertinent health and nutrition information. In doing so, I aim to equip individuals with the means to make better informed decisions that improve your experience of living in a body. My belief is firmly rooted in helping people flourish by furnishing the essential tools and insights that catalyse a positive shift in their journey.


Develop a platform to facilitates health and performance

Empower individuals to become more
self sufficient

Explore all
aspects related
to health and performance

Provide the tools necessary to
upgrade your health

Positively impact
quality of life


Adem Holds a Masters in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics and is currently enrolled in the Higher Degree of Research in the Faculty of Health 

The seeds of enhancing physical performance and health were planted at an early age, watching great practitioners like Bruce Lee and others dominate their respective domain.

“If I remember it correctly, it was between advertisements of a Terminator film where I first started to do push ups and sit ups”

I began my journey with a Certificate III in Fitness, and since then invested large amounts of time and energy towards educating myself towards both theoretical and practical arenas, finishing a Masters Degree in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics.

No longer only obsessed with mirror muscles , I am now invested in seeking proficiency in different domains including Jiu-Jitsu, Athletics and Gymnastic focused training. Such pursuits have also broadened paradigms of how nutrition can be used to improve modes of being.

Adem’s inquisitive nature affords him the ability to problem solve on a high level and tailor solutions for a wide variety of problems. if you are interested in tapping into your potential, let’s work.